Sequencing raw data of choroid/RPE

Healthy choroid/RPE

Sample description

Choroid/RPE samples were obtained from the macular region of four enucleated eyes suffering from ciliary body melanoma. Formalin-fixed and paraffin embedded (FFPE) eyes of patients with ciliary body melanoma were melted and halved and the macular region was carefully examined under the microscope. The retina of the macula was removed and the RPE/choroid carefully scraped. The 3'-RNA-sequencing method MACE was applied for sequencing of FFPE samples, as described in Boneva et al. (2020).

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Data access

Fastq files of all replicates can be downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database using the following links. Please cite the publication shown above, when using data for your research.

Sample Age at surgery (years) Sex FFPE/unfixed Download from GEO
1 64.7 female FFPE GSE146887
2 73.1 male FFPE GSE146887
3 72.2 male FFPE GSE146887
4 71.5 male FFPE GSE146887