Frontiers in Immunology - Molecular Innate Immunity (2020)
Stefaniya Boneva, Julian Wolf, Dennis Rosmus, Anja Schlecht, Gabriele Prinz, Yannik Laich, Myriam Boeck, Peipei Zhang, Ingo Hilgendorf, Andreas Stahl, Thomas Reinhard, James Bainbridge, Günther Schlunck, Hansjürgen Agostini, Peter Wieghofer, Clemens Lange
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Purpose: To decipher the transcriptional signature of macrophages of the human
vitreous, also known as hyalocytes, and compare it to the profiles of other myeloid
cell populations including human blood-derived monocytes, macrophages and brain
Methods: This study involves a total of 13 patients of advanced age with disorders of
the vitreoretinal interface undergoing vitrectomy at the University Eye Hospital
Freiburg between 2018 and 2019. Vitreal hyalocytes were analyzed by fluorescence-
activated cell sorting (FACS) and isolated as CD45+CD11b+CX3CR1+Mat-Mac+ cells
using a FACS-based sorting protocol. RNA extraction, library preparation and RNA
sequencing were performed and the sequencing data was analyzed using the Galaxy
web platform. The transcriptome of human hyalocytes was compared to the
transcriptional profile of human blood-derived monocytes, macrophages and brain
microglia obtained from public databases. Protein validation for selected factors was
performed by immunohistochemistry on paraffin sections from three human donor
Results: On average, 383 ± 233 hyalocytes were isolated per patient, resulting in
128 pg/μl ± 76 pg/μl total RNA per sample. RNA sequencing revealed that SPP1,
FTL, CD74 and HLA-DRA are among the most abundantly expressed genes in
hyalocytes, which was confirmed by immunofluorescence for CD74, FTL and HLA-
DRA. Gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis showed that biological processes
such as “humoral immune response”, “leukocyte migration” and “antigen processing
and presentation of peptide antigen” (adjusted p < 0.001) are dominating in vitreal
hyalocytes. While the comparison of the gene expression profiles of hyalocytes and
other myeloid cell populations showed an overall strong similarity (R2 > 0.637, p <
0.001), hyalocytes demonstrated significant differences with respect to common
leukocyte-associated factors. In particular, transcripts involved in the immune
privilege of the eye, such as POMC, CD46 and CD86, were significantly increased in
hyalocytes compared to other myeloid cell subsets.
Conclusion: Human hyalocytes represent a unique and distinct innate immune cell
population specialized and adapted for the tissue-specific needs in the human
vitreous. Vitreal hyalocytes are characterized by a strong expression of genes related
to antigen processing and presentation as well as immune modulation. Thus,
hyalocytes may represent an underestimated mediator in vitreoretinal disease and for
the immune privilege of the eye.